Today Minister Ivan Meyer joined cabinet colleague, Minister of Education, Debbie Schafer when she accepted a donation of 23 000 books from Tadashi Hasunama, Director of the South African Primary Educations Support Initiative to be utilised by the Western Cape’s fleet of seven mobile libraries for their rural schools.
The books were collected by Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited from their schools in Hong Kong, organizations, and communities, the South African Consulate in Hong Kog as well as the Sony group of companies and employees.
The books were transported free of charge from Hong Kong to Cape Town by One (Ocean Network Express Pty LTD) whose Head Office Minister Meyer visited during his recent trip to Japan.
Minister Meyer echoed his colleague when he thanked the everyone in particular the Japanese nation for their kind support to the people of the Western Cape.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za