Since 2019, when the first beneficiaries took occupancy of their homes in the Forest Village Development in Eersteriver, 2 755 residents have already received their title deeds. This means within a short span of 3 years of the 3 065 that have thus far moved in, 90% are already fully-fledged and legal homeowners.
This catalytic project which commenced in 2016 has a budget allocation of over R1 billion. It is earmarked to create 4 820 housing opportunities, for residents from the local Wards of 16, 17 and 108 as well as the Airport Precinct and N2 Gateway. This mixed-use development consists of various types of units to cater for beneficiaries of different income levels and specific needs such as Military Veterans, Breaking New Ground (BNG) and Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP) units.
Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements Tertuis Simmers said: “The speed at which title deeds are being processed should not be surprising. We’ve committed to empowering our people through the handover of title deeds, as we believe that ownership is true empowerment. Not only does this important document provide peace of mind, but it also opens a myriad of opportunities that owners can explore. Further to this, it also ensures that beneficiaries are able to leave behind a legacy for their loved ones.”
The Ndikandika couple, who not so long ago received their title deed, said that their lives are now full, as they are finally homeowners.
Mr Mlungisa Ndikandika (78) said: “I grew up and spent many years at the hostels in Langa township and longed to one day own a house in my name. I’m highly indebted to the Western Cape Government for providing my family with this.”
Mr Ndikandika’s sentiments were echoed by his wife Mrs Nelizwe Ndikandika (58) who said: “I was very excited and thankful when we received our house. Firstly, privacy is very important and the children having their own bedrooms. Where we used to live was just a kitchen and a bedroom all in one room. I am grateful to our Western Cape government for remembering us and providing houses for us. A house is not something that you just get but the government has done thee most important thing for us.”
“As the Western Cape Government, we will continue striving towards establishing an enabling environment, so that we are better placed to grant beneficiaries security of tenure and make more residents legal homeowners by handing over these title deeds,” concluded Simmers.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362
Email: Marcellino.martin@westerncape.gov.za
Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 263 1720
Email: Nathan.Adriaanse@westerncape.gov.za