Rental Housing Tribunal’s free service to the public will soon be made available to municipalities across the Western Cape
The Western Cape Department of Infrastructure’s Rental Housing Tribunal unit (RHT) provides a free service to the public. The service is aimed at resolving disputes between landlords and tenants. In addition, it seeks to educate the parties about their rights and obligations should an unfair and unlawful act occur that contravenes any legislation.
The RHT was established 23 years ago, in 2001, in terms of the Rental Housing Act, 50 of 1999 (RHA), and has since played an important role in the rental housing sector in the Western Cape. Over the years it has assisted citizens by resolving disputes such as but not limited to the following:
The latest 3rd quarter (October 2023 – December 2023) statistical performance report indicated that there were 777 cases captured and 715 cases closed off. The RHT is legislated to finalise matters within 90 days, with a backlog of 261 cases.
Due to an increased demand for the services to be accessed in other areas in the province, Minister Tertuis Simmers said that residents can soon expect to access this critical service in their various local municipalities. “We are currently in discussions with various municipalities and an announcement will be made on the expansion of the services beyond Cape Town. This is to ensure that citizens across the province have access to our services,” said the Minister.
Citizens wishing to contact the Rental Housing Tribunal may do so through the following avenues:
Contact Centre: 0860 106 166
Please Call Me: 079 769 1207
SMS: Help to 31022
For general and dispute related enquiries
Submit all complaint forms, annexures and a copy of your lease agreement to: e-mail: rht.disputes@westerncape.gov.za
Telephone: 021 483 5020 / 6495 / 3283
Fax: 021 483 3313
Click here to access the webpage.
Mr. Ntobeko Mbingeleli
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
021 483 8067 (o)
061 447 7851 (m)