A R487 million Department of Transport and Public Works project to upgrade a section of the N1 between Plattekloof Road and Old Oak Interchange is expected to be completed early in May 2019. Most work on the various interchanges along the route is complete, although some final surfacing is required at Durban Road Interchange and Old Oak Road Interchange.
The new Old Oak West bridge will be opened to traffic by mid-January 2019 to enable the completion of the median island between the northbound and southbound carriageways. Temporary concrete barriers will be installed on both sides of the work area for safety reasons. Although a concerted attempt was made to open the new Old Oak West bridge before the annual builders’ holiday, construction will resume in the new year because incomplete street lighting is a safety hazard to motorists, and incomplete sidewalks are a safety hazard to road workers.
The current detour through the Old Oak Road southbound carriageway and temporary re-laning through the Old Oak Road/ Eversdal Way intersection will remain in place for the time being. The temporary cross-over on the median island of Old Oak Road will be taken away after the two carriageways are fully complete and Old Oak Road has been fully opened to traffic in February 2019.
The major items of outstanding work are the completion of the third lane extension along the median island from Durban Road Interchange to the R300 Interchange, as well as the auxiliary lanes between Jip de Jager Avenue and Durban Road (outbound) and Jip de Jager and Plattekloof Road (inbound).
The final ultra-thin friction course surfacing on the inbound and outbound carriageways will be completed between February and March 2019 once the median lane widenings between Durban Road Interchange and the R300 Interchange have been completed. To avoid disrupting traffic during the week, and because it enables better surfacing quality, this work will be done over two or three weekends using full closures of parts of the N1 with detours around sections under construction.
This project is creating a number of short-term job and skills development opportunities. As of November 2018, R39 million has been spent on targeted labour while 36 118 person-days of work have been created for people from the City of Cape Town municipal areas bordering on the N1.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za