Doctor Gideon van Tonder has been at the helm as medical manager for public health services in the Hessequa sub-district since the beginning of January. Van Tonder, who started his career in Kimberley after studying medicine at the Stellenbosch University, said the Western Cape has always been his preference. He exchanged his private practice in Vredenburg for the post as senior medical officer at Swellendam Hospital before he got the position as medical manager. “This is a new challenge, and one I’m excited about,” he said. Dr Van Tonder, who loves sport, also studied sports medicine.
He and his wife are avid cyclists and runners who participate regularly in competitions when their children Diana and Luan’s activities allow it. He also watches rugby and mentioned that he supports the Lions. “Yes, I also like the Stormers, but I like the Lion’s passion and how they manifest their faith. I also know the coaches personally, people I have met when I worked as team doctor for the Griquas years ago.” Dr Van Tonder is married to Claire, a teacher, and with a grandmother and great-grandmother who like to help with the children, 3 dogs (because how do you say no when your daughter brings a puppy home), a cat and a budgie, there are a lot that the family are looking forward to now that they are permanent residence of the beautiful Riversdale.
Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Eden and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health
Kwanokuthula CDC,Plettenberg Bay
Tel: 044 501 5751
Fax: 044 501 5719