A new footbridge at the Lynedoch station near Stellenbosch will improve pedestrian safety and provide a legal way to cross the railway line. After two years of construction, the footbridge will be in operation from the beginning of July 2015.
The R3 million project forms part of the level crossing elimination programme, a joint initiative of the Department of Transport and Public Works and the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) to improve safety along Vlaeberg Road and Vlottenburg Road on the Route 310.
The footbridge will provide pedestrians access from the road on one side of the line to the station platform on the other.
For years, large numbers of pedestrians have been accessing the station illegally by walking across the railway line. A number were killed as they stepped into the path of oncoming trains.
To further reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents, high fences will also be erected along the railway. This part of the project is set for completion by the end of July 2015.
Reinforced concrete was used to construct the footbridge. Ramps were installed to accommodate those using wheelchairs, improving access to and from the station. Steel hand rails and lights were also installed on the footbridge, while high-mast lights improve visibility. In addition, 15 local labour employment opportunities were created during the construction.
Metrorail Western Cape Regional Manager Richard Walker said the new footbridge supports PRASA’s vision of a safe public transport environment and will ensure that pedestrians can cross the railway line freely and safely.
“We extend our heartfelt thanks to our provincial partners in transport for making this project possible,” said Walker.
This project highlights the partners’ joint commitment to improving pedestrian safety at railway crossings in high-risk areas.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za
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