A total of 20 young people have started a 12-month traffic officers’ training course at the Gene Louw Traffic College in Brackenfell. The College has a well-deserved reputation for producing dedicated and well-trained traffic officers who recognise their role in making our roads safer.
The College’s training is accredited by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA), and includes instruction in the Road Traffic Management Corporation guidelines on road traffic law enforcement. In addition, the College is recognised as a firearm training institution by the South African Police Service (SAPS). Those trainees who successfully complete the course will graduate with a Further Education and Training Certificate in Road Traffic Law Enforcement.
Participants are looking forward to making a successful career in traffic law enforcement.
Keanon Cloete (20) from Brackenfell was inspired to become a traffic officer after he worked as a Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) intern at the college for a year.
“I applied because I could see the development of students over time, and the important role they were about to fulfil in society. I am happy to be here and just want to make the most of this opportunity,” he said.
Ngawethu Booi (25) from George says he always wanted to become a traffic officer.
“My mother and sister are law enforcement officers, and that motivated me to serve my community. My expectation for the year ahead is to focus on self-improvement, to make a positive contribution to road safety, and to reduce fatalities,” he said.
Timochengco Hofmeester (24) from Worcester said she has a passion for traffic law enforcement.
“I look up to my sister, who is a traffic officer and shows such a high level of determination and enthusiasm in the field. The responsibilities come with challenges, but there is potential make a substantial difference. I plan to study hard and make the most of this opportunity,” she said.
Over the next 12 months, trainees will receive firearm competency training, driver training (including articulated motor vehicle and motorcycle training), first aid training, and training in fighting fires. They will also be deployed at various traffic centres to gain practical experience during the Easter and December holiday periods.
The Gene Louw Traffic College continues to strive to ensure that a professional and effective traffic management service is provided for the people of the Western Cape.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za
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