In effort to empower and improve the wellness of adolescents and youth in Ravensmead, Western Cape Government Health and Wellness nurses launched an off-site adolescent and youth friendly (AYFS) service in the community on Tuesday, 3 October 2023.
Sr Deborah Stander, from the Ravensmead Community Day Centre (CDC), is leading the project. She says the new service will be available every Tuesday from 14:00 – 16:00 at the Ravensmead Library. The service is available to people aged 10-22. Young people can also access care at the clinic. “We encourage all of our young people to make use of the services. We have brought your youth services out of the day hospital (CDC) to ensure that you can easily access the services closer to home. There are no queues, and you can visit us every Tuesday. This service is free of charge. We thank our colleagues at the City of Cape Town library who have availed space for us to run this service.”
Sr Rushin Adams encouraged youth to make healthy choices. She says they aim to create a safe space for all young people in Ravensmead, where they can access healthcare without judgment.
“We often find our youth being judged when they visit the clinic in Ravensmead, and people may ask me why a young person has come to visit. Our young people may also be afraid that community members will talk about them. Our youth’s healthcare is confidential, and we want to ensure that they can access the care that they need without judgment. This is a safe space for our young people, and we encourage all of you to make use of this service and to spread the word to your peers.”
Ravensmead Health Committee Chairperson, Dawn Marcus, shared her personal story with young people, encouraging them to take ownership of their health. “At the age of 16, I was pregnant and became a teenage mom. I remember visiting a hospital at the time and there was so much shame, and I was called so many names. Today, things have changed. You do not have to be a teen mother or father, you do not have to give up your schooling or your desires to pursue tertiary education and you do not have to give up on your dreams. Help is available to you to help you make better choices for your health and your future. Your future depends on your health, let our nurses help you to protect it.”
Services offered at the youth-friendly clinic will include:
Sr Adams has encouraged young people to visit the youth clinic if they have questions about other services or any concerns. “I find young people visiting the clinic coming to ask me how they can reach out to a university to apply, or how to get information about courses. I want to encourage you to visit us if you have any questions. I won’t turn a young person away because people helped me to find my way when I was young and doors opened. That is why I am where I am today, I want to do the same for you.”
The youth-centric initiative has been welcomed by ward councillor Jackie Visser who attended the event. “Don’t be ashamed to make use of these services. We know the challenges our youth face today and this is why these services are here. You owe it to yourself, your parents and grandparents to be responsible. I encourage you to make use of this wonderful opportunity on your doorstep.”
Mental wellness support critical for youth
As we mark Mental Health Awareness Month in October, Western Cape Government Health and Wellness counsellor Zelah Dodgen called on all young people to seek support at the youth clinic if they are struggling to cope with anxiety or life events that may have caused trauma.
Zelah attended the event to speak about mental wellness. “We encourage our youth to speak out and to access the services available to them. We will also have group sessions for our youth to foster a sense of community. We know that suicide rates are a concern but there is so much strength in speaking to one another and getting support. We are here for you; we want to enhance your mental wellness.”
The event was supported by various stakeholders including the YMCA youth initiative, the Ravensmead police service, Partners in Sexual Health (NPO), the Ravensmead Library (City of Cape Town) and community leader Tommy Wildschudt. Western Cape Health and Wellness thanks all of our partners and speakers who made the launch possible with the aim of improving the wellness of our community in Ravensmead.
Whatever your challenges may be, Western Cape Government Health and Wellness shares a goal with parents and caregivers: to ensure that every young person gets the healthcare that they need to live their best, healthiest, longest life. We encourage all young people to make use of youth-friendly services in their community. Remember all services are confidential and free.
Shimoney Regter
Communications Officer
Department of Health and Wellness
Email: Shimoney.Regter@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za