Operational successes for Swartland, Overstrand and Mossel Bay K-9 and Rural Safety Units
The Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swartland K-9, inclusive of the Rural Safety Units (RSUs) in the Overstrand and Swartland areas, have once again achieved significant success in their respective areas. Between 16 to 22 October 2023, these units with various other municipal law enforcement agencies and the South African Police Service (SAPS), arrested sixty-five (65) individuals for a number of crimes. Of these, seventeen (17) were apprehended in the Overstrand municipal area, thirty-seven (37) in the Mossel Bay region and eleven (11) in the Swartland.
The Mossel Bay K-9 unit assisted with the arrest of 34 individuals. The additional arrests from this unit occurred in Kwanonqaba and Grootbrak Rivier consisted of:
- x1 housebreaking and possession of a stolen vehicle,
- x1 dealing in liquor and
- x1 malicious damage to property.
The Swartland arrests, which occurred in Darling included:
- x4 for transporting and possession of West Coast Rock Lobster (WCRL) and abalone without a permit,
- x4 dealing in and possession of drugs and
- x3 attempted murder.
The units also confiscated:
- x65 abalone,
- x8 WCRL,
- x36 tik straws and
- x5 half mandrax tablets.
Amongst others the Overstand arrests included:
- x5 possession of drugs,
- x2 wanted suspects and
- x2 dealing in liquor.
This unit confiscated:
- x370 units of abalone,
- x28 mandrax tablets,
- x119 bankies tik and
- x1 set of stolen steel gates.
Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen said: “As the Western Cape Government, we established the K9 and Rural Safety Units so that greater safety is achieved throughout the province. The safety of our residents remains one of our top priorities. These units are making a significant contribution towards the goals of our Western Cape Safety Plan (WCSP), which includes halving the murder rate by 2029. Amongst others they are ensuring that the drivers of murder and various other crimes are not finding root in our areas.”
“It is very important that all of society support these units, as this will ensure improved environments, where our residents can live in dignity,” concluded Minister Reagen Allen.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
021 483 0103 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)