The Western Cape Department of Agriculture has done much over the past four years to protect and create a safer agricultural environment and farming communities. This important work of the Department will continue using the R1.018 billion budget for the 2024/25 financial year.
Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer said, “Over the last four years, we have been working together across government, the industry and with communities to create safer environments for all. With our partners, the following safety initiatives and programmes have been established/completed:
Minister Meyer highlighted that his department's partnerships with rural communities and the 450 registered farm and neighbourhood watches play a critical role in realising our dream of a crime-free rural landscape.
“The Western Cape Department of Agriculture has added the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI), the Red Meat Producers Organisation (RPO) and Philani Training & Development Solution to our list of partners and collaborators. By doing so we bring water safety to farming communities, support the fight against stock theft and with the support of producers, secure the training and employment of trained community health workers on farms in the Koue Bokkeveld,” said Minister Meyer.
“With the support of my colleague, Ricardo Makenzie, the Western Cape Minister of Mobility, we will also continue to call on the National Government to amend the National Traffic Regulations to ensure that the transporting of agri workers on the back of trucks is effectively stopped.”
“Our farm workers and owners should be able to go about their business of feeding the nation and boosting our economy without having to be concerned that they will be targeted by criminals. We will therefore continue to forge ahead with plans to ensure that farmers, farmworkers and rural communities who are the backbone of our agricultural economy, are safe,” concluded Minister Meyer.
Daniel Johnson
Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer
Email: Daniel.Johnson@westerncape.gov.za
0799904231 (m)