Oversight visit to health facilities
A number of health facilities in Central Karoo received an oversight visit by district management and the Western Cape Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, during the week of 23 January 2017. The opportunity was used to meet staff and to communicate with the different communities that visit these facilities. Murraysburg Hospital and clinic which enjoyed renovations recently was the first facility to be visited.
The oversight visit also included a visit to Hillside Clinic – the first ‘green clinic’ in the Western Cape which will open its doors to the public in the second half of the year. The designers of this 1 050 m² single-storey building have reduced the need for air conditioning through using appropriate design and the use of natural materials. The clinic is being built to replace the current Constitution Clinic.
‘Working and living in ways that respect our environment and which promote our health and well-being is a significant part of the Western Cape Government’s vision for the people of this province. We aim to make the province the leading green economic hub on the African continent. This new facility exemplifies the green building principles that will achieve this vision,’ said Minister Mbombo.
The District Health Council for Central Karoo also had its first meeting for 2017 during the ministerial visit. The members of this council play an important role in the transmission of information from community level to other appropriate structures. They are: Dr Helise Schumann (Eden and Central Karoo district manager), Mr Noël Constabel (mayor Beaufort West SDR), Mr Goliat Lottering (mayor Prince Albert) and Ms Dalene Slabbert (deputy mayor Beaufort West).
The District Health Council reports directly to the Minister who chairs the Provincial Health Council. Central to the Western Cape Government’s vision for the health in the province, is making communities integral stakeholders in the provision of services rather than mere recipients. Increasing community representation at District Health Council level and ensuring community concerns are reflected at Provincial Health Council level is of critical importance. Each level of consultation provides opportunities for incorporating communities and their leaders into the healthcare system – instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility for health services in communities. Other facilities which formed part of the visit were Prince Albert Hospital and clinic and Laingsburg Hospital and clinic where the Minister met with hospital board members.
Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Eden and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health
Tel: 044 501 5751
Fax: 044 501 5719