Joint Statement by Dr Nomafrench Mbombo and Mr Donald Grant
This morning (10 November 2015), Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, Western Cape Minister of Health and Mr Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works visited the site of the new R35 million psychiatric building at the Paarl Hospital.
The construction of this facility is a direct response to the need for a dedicated psychiatric ward at the Hospital.
This infrastructure will assist in managing the high number of psychiatric patients at this facility.
“This much needed upgrade to the psychiatric ward at the Paarl Hospital will now ensure that all mental health patients get enhanced care at this facility. We are determined to provide the best possible mental healthcare, treatment and rehabilitation services – equitably, efficiently and in the best possible interest of the mental healthcare user,” said Minister Mbombo.
This new state-of-the-art, R35 million facility will feature:
The construction of the new psychiatric building at Paarl Hospital is being undertaken by the Department of Transport and Public Works as the implementing agent for the Department of Health’s infrastructure budget.
“During my budget speech earlier this year, I announced that my department will be managing a budget of R826.28 million, on behalf of the Department of Health, for the building and refurbishing of health facilities.
The new psychiatric building at the Paarl hospital is testament to how committed we are to delivering essential health facilities where they are most needed.
“Construction of the new psychiatric building at Paarl Hospital began in October 2014, and is due for completion in March next year, on schedule and within the allocated budget.
The building’s design is in essence, a simple courtyard plan which responds to both the scale and layout of the existing hospital in a sympathetic manner, said to be conducive to mental healing.
“The Western Cape Government is committed to delivering quality health facilities, on time, where they are needed most. Our commitment to giving effect to the five Provincial Strategic Goals has led to the development of a departmental vision to lead in the delivery of government infrastructure and related services, and our mission to deliver infrastructure and services to promote socio – economic outcomes and safe, empowered and connected communities,” said Minister Grant.
“Once commissioned, patients will have access to multi-disciplinary care at Paarl Hospital. Together with the Department of Transport and Public Works we are able to deliver quality infrastructure to all the people in this province,” added Minister Mbombo.
Siphesihle Dube
Spokesperson for the Minister of Transport and Public Works, Donald Grant
Tel: 021 483 8954
Cell: 084 233 3811
E-mail: siphesihle.dube@westerncape.gov.za
Colleen Smart
Spokesperson for the Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo
Tel: 072 825 3257
E-mail: Colleen.Smart@westerncape.gov.za
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