Statement by Dan Plato, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety
The murder in cold blood of another police officer last night is an outright attack on the police and an attack on the communities our officers work to keep safe. Those responsible should face the full might of the law.
The officer was shot dead in full uniform in his private car in Simon’s Town last night around 20:00.
I wish to extend my condolences to the family, friends and fellow officers who suffer a great loss through this heinous crime committed. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Department of Community Safety’s R50 000 reward still stands. The reward is open to anyone who can assist with information that will result in the arrest and the successful conviction of those involved in the killing of police officers in the Western Cape.
When you deliberately kill a police officer, you deliberately attack the police, the state and the safety of everyone around you. If you are responsible, you will be caught and you will face the full might of the law.
The tragedy impacts on all our lives as there is one less officer to serve the people of the Western Cape, one less officer diligently assisting Masiphumelele in their struggle for a safer community and one less officer residing in Khayelitsha who serves as a beacon of safety for his immediate community.
As we all mourn the loss of another officer I trust that we will remember that police killings, however unrelated, remain the vicious acts of individuals who do not represent the sentiment of the broader community where these acts have taken place.
The Western Cape Government condemns cop killings. While we have no operational control over SAPS, our government is committed to support the hard working police men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect others.
We will always support the law enforcement services in line with our strategic objective of building a professional police service, able to fulfil their Constitutional duty of safety service delivery in the province.
As part of my oversight mandate over policing in the province I have written to the Acting Provincial Police Commissioner, Major-General Thembisile Patekile, to offer the Western Cape Government’s condolences, to reiterate our support for the police services in the province and to ask for any updates in the ongoing cases of police officers killed in the province and how we can work better together to prevent these crimes.
Ewald Botha
Spokesperson for Minister Plato
Cell: 079 694 1113