This means schools that in 2004 enrolled more learners above their determined capacity must reduce their intake over the next five years.
Demographic surveys show that about 48,000 people stream into the province every year from all over the country. In the last decade the number of learners in the school system in the Western Cape increased by 65,000 learners, from 832,000 in 1995 to 912,000 in 2004. In 2004 alone, the growth has been about 24,000 learners.
Growth in learner enrolment and learner mobility makes planning for learner accommodation difficult and explains the fact that there are large numbers of under-utilized schools and classrooms in the province as well as overcrowding and shortages of classrooms.
In order to address the mismatch between the supply and demand for classrooms, the department will use such measures as merging schools, proper use of bus transport, building additional classrooms and using mobile classrooms.
Whilst the admission policy of a public school is determined by the governing body of the school, the admission of a learner to a public school is the responsibility of government. Moreover the admission policy of a governing body must be consistent with the South African Constitution, South African Schools Act and all applicable policy.
Says MEC Dugmore: "The objective of these guidelines is to manage over-enrolment in some schools and make better use of available space in other schools.
"This norm to establish the capacity of a school is a policy guideline for the 2005 year. The final policy itself will be finalised next year after further consultation with our stakeholders.
"In addition, we have just announced that we will grow our teacher establishment with an extra 365 posts, which means not a single teacher will loose his or her job.
"In terms of a schedule of the Department of Public Works, 31 extra schools will be built by the end of March 2006, and more than 800 extra classrooms will be provided to 33 existing schools throughout the province.
"I am of the opinion that we can accommodate all our learners if some schools are prepared to accept more learners. At the moment there are too many schools who accept only the minimum or even less, whilst other schools are bursting at the seams. Taking on extra learners does not automatically lead to the lowering of standards.
"However, I am confident that if all of us work together, we can find a solution to these and other challenges in education, to truly build a learning home for all our children."
For enquiries, contact Gert Witbooi: 082 550 3938, or
Gert Witbooi
Media Secretary
Office of the MEC for Education
Western Cape
Tel: 021 467 2523
Fax: 021 425 5689
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The Western Cape - A Home for All
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