The roadworks contractor is currently working in many areas between Monte Christo and Great Brak River on the R102 and on the DR1578 between Tergniet and the Freimersheim Road intersection to ensure that roads are open for the year-end holiday. Work will stop on 13 December and be resumed early in 2020.
Heavy rainfall on 29 September 2019 damaged a major stormwater pipeline on the R102 between Fraaiuitsig and Tergniet, as well as surface and drainage works near Swans Nursery. This was a setback, and remedial work has had to be done in these locations. However, the entire project is still expected to be complete by the contract deadline of 30 April 2020.
This section, including the bridge, will be open to two-way traffic during the holidays. Certain works on the bridge will be resumed in 2020, and the contractor will endeavour to keep the bridge open while these works are taking place. After the structural rehabilitation of the bridge is complete, the bridge will be closed for about two weeks for surfacing works. When works resume in 2020, 50 metres of damaged road at Swans Nursery will be under half-width construction with stop/ go traffic controls.
This section of road and all intersections will be open to two-way traffic during the holidays.
R102 Tergniet to Souwesia intersection
This section of road will be open to two-way traffic during the holidays. Vehicles travelling eastwards from Tergniet to Great Brak River will be permitted to use the new section of road. Vehicles travelling westwards from Great Brak River to Tergniet will use the old section of road. Half-width construction with stop/ go controls will resume in 2020.
The traffic circle will be complete and fully operational by the holidays. The contractor plans to complete the widening of the R102 from the traffic circle through the Suiderkruis intersection by 13 December. Even if widening is not complete, two-way traffic will be possible during the holidays.
This new section will be open to two-way traffic by 22 November 2019. The accesses to the tip site and industrial complexes will be completed when work resumes in 2020.
Northbound traffic going up the hill will use a gravel surface. Southbound traffic down the hill will use the new road. The Sandhoogte intersection will be open to traffic during the holidays, but half-width construction with stop/ go controls will resume again in 2020.
This section will be open to two-way traffic during the holidays, but half-width construction with stop/ go controls will resume again in 2020.
In the event of further inclement weather, the project team will notify the travelling public of any changes to existing arrangements.
Jandré Bakker
Head of Communication
Department of Transport and Public Works
Email: Jandre.Bakker@westerncape.gov.za