On Saturday, 27 July 2019, seven schools competed against each other in the provincial leg of the Participatory Educational Techniques (PET) competition. The schools were competing for the honour of representing the Western Cape in the urban and rural categories of the national PET competition to be held in Johannesburg in September. Pioneer School for learners with visual barriers was previously chosen to represent the province in the disability category.
PET is a national initiative to develop the road safety skills and knowledge of Grade 10 and 11 learners in three school categories: urban, rural, and disabled. Over a period of two months, PET participants form teams of five, identify road safety problems in their communities, research possible solutions, and practice presenting their proposed solutions. Participating learners receive training in research and project management. Through the process, learners develop their public speaking skills, build models of their proposed solutions, and become advocates for the importance of road safety.
Participating schools in the provincial PET competition on Saturday were Bloekombos Secondary School (Kraaifontein), Cedar High School (Mitchells Plain), Sizimisele Technical High School (Mandela Park), Umyezo WamaApile High School (Grabouw), Diazville Senior Secondary School (Saldanha), Imizamo Yethu Secondary School (George), and Zwartberg High School (Prince Albert).
On the day, Sizimisele was chosen to represent the Western Cape in the urban category, and Umyezo WamaApile in the rural category.
Road Safety Management would like to congratulate all the participating learners for their dedication, high standard of presentation, and state-of-the art models. We wish the winning school teams well in the national PET competition later this year.
Jandré Bakker
Head of Communication
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 8513
Email: Jandre.Bakker@westerncape.gov.za