Results of Provincial Traffic Services traffic operations
Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services implemented a total of 46 integrated roadblocks, vehicle checkpoint and speed control operations across the province in the week of 23 to 29 November 2020, and 29 055 vehicles were stopped and checked.
A total of 283 speeding offences were recorded and 4 163 fines were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness in the total amount of R3 895 030.
Sixteen vehicles were impounded and 106 were discontinued for unroadworthiness.
The highest speeds recorded were as follows:
A total of 6 charges were laid under the Disaster Management Act and fines to the value of R18 000 were issued.
National Road Traffic Act and Criminal Procedure Act
A total of 61 arrests were made for the following offences:
A total of 24 crashes occurred in the reporting period, and 26 fatalities were recorded:
Twenty-six people died this week in 24 crashes, 15 of them pedestrians. Whether we are driving, cycling or walking, we are all road users. It is imperative to abide by all road safety precautions, to stay safe, and to develop a strong safety culture. Be alert and prepared for anything unexpected to happen. If you are a pedestrian, do not drink and walk, wear visible clothing, and remove headphones and earphones when you cross the road.
This week’s operational achievements include 39 arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol, 6 for fraudulent documentation, 6 for reckless and negligent driving, 2 for bribery, 4 for speeding, as well as the discontinuation of 106 vehicles for being unroadworthy. A total of 283 speeding offences were recorded.
Please maintain a safe following distance. Drive carefully, especially during rush hour and when visibility is poor. Harsh braking, accelerating into traffic and changing lanes improperly are all risky behaviours that increase the likelihood of a crash. Make sure you pull into traffic slowly. Beware when you cross a traffic intersection, even if the light is green for you. Wear your seatbelt and ensure those travelling with you are buckled up. Plan short rest breaks when driving long distances as fatigue can put your life and the lives of others in danger. Never drink and drive. Even small amounts of alcohol can slow down your response to an emergency.
Play your part in making our roads safe. Safer roads are everyone’s responsibility.
Jandré Bakker
Head of Communication
Department of Transport and Public Works
Email: Jandre.Bakker@westerncape.gov.za