Good progress is being made on a R104 million Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) project to rehabilitate the Old Malmesbury Road between Abbotsdale and Kalbaskraal. Construction works include rehabilitation of the road surface as well as repair work to bridges, culverts and side drains.
Work on this 16 km stretch of road began in September 2015 and is scheduled for completion in September 2017. It is estimated that up to 2 900 vehicles use the road every week. The rehabilitation of the road surface is being constructed in four phases, two of which have been completed between the Abbotsdale railway crossing and the R302 linking Malmesbury and Klipheuwel.
Road marking on the completed surfaced roads will commence in the coming weeks. Motorists are advised to exercise caution when travelling on this road.
DTPW is aware that delays are frustrating, but some inconvenience during construction is inevitable. Two closures are in place between Abbotsdale and Kalbaskraal and motorists can use the N7 as an alternative route.
DTPW is committed to creating short-term local Expanded Public Works Programme employment and skills training opportunities in its projects. To date, a total of R9,3 million has been spent on targeted contractor businesses and R2,9 million on targeted local labour. To date, a total of 14 500 person-days of work have been created for people from the Swartland municipal area. Approximately R110 000 has been spent on training unskilled labour.
The high-quality road infrastructure that DTPW provides is an important component of a safe and effective transport system, and an enabler of economic and social development in the Western Cape.
Join the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #roadworksWC
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: Byron.laHoe@westerncape.gov.za