The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works has started with the resealing of Trunk Road 2901 on the Route 316 between Caledon and Bredasdorp.
The project will include the resealing of intersections and accesses, structural works on joint bridge repairs, appurtenant works, drainage and final seal. The estimated contract value is R102 million and the project’s expected date of completion is towards mid-2016. Over 10 000 motorists travel on the road daily.
The proposed construction strategy is based on traffic accommodation and climatic constraints, as well as the utilisation of existing pavement materials. The strategy is to perform all patching and edge break repairs under Stop/Go conditions well in advance of the reseal. The road will then be resealed in two halves, while traffic is accommodated under Stop/Go conditions for a maximum length of 4 km at a time to limit waiting times for road users. The maximum number of closures at any time is limited to three.
Motorists could expect weather-related delays during winter.
A significant amount of employment opportunities, quantified as 30 000 person days, will be created for people located within the boundaries of the Theewaterskloof and Cape Agulhus Municipalities. Ten percent (10%) of the contract value is expected to go towards targeted enterprises within the Western Cape.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za
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