Media release by Ricardo Mackenzie, Western Cape Minister of Mobility
30 July 2023
Minister Mackenzie congratulates winners of high school Road Safety competition
I am thrilled to congratulate the winners of our provincial Road Safety Debate and Participatory Education Technique (PET) programme. High school learners in grades 10 and 11 from across the province took part in these competitions facilitated by the Western Cape Mobility Department’s Road Safety Management Directorate.
The top three learners in the annual Road Safety Debate, which took place on Friday 28 July 2023, are Katie Eboza (Eersterivier High), Siyolise Zonke (Sizimisele Technical High) and Buhlebendalo Mbange (Sizimisele Technical High). All participating learners received training on debating, strategy orientation, public speaking and character building to assist them in developing their own knowledge and skills, but also to become road safety ambassadors within their communities.
On Saturday 29 July 2023, schools competing in the PET competition presented innovative and creative solutions to road safety challenges they had identified in their own areas over the 7-month programme. Participating learners were equipped with materials to run the project and research workshops on how to investigate their solutions and deliver presentations. After the workshops, teams had three months to conduct the research, before submitting a written project and conducting their presentation. Their road safety solutions included education and awareness campaigns, infrastructure for pedestrians, traffic enforcement interventions, and a focus on bringing local stakeholders together to collaborate.
Following careful adjudication, the first prize of R10 000 went to Ihlumelo Senior Secondary School from Mbekweni, the second prize of R7 000 went to Swartberg Secondary School from Caledon, and the third prize of R5 000 went to Ilingelethu Secondary from Malmesbury. The winning team will receive training to represent the province in the national competition organised by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) in October 2023.
These programmes aim to create awareness and motivate our youth to become active citizens and leaders carrying the message that road safety is everyone’s responsibility.
It is easy to become desensitised to the crisis on our roads when we hear the statistics about lives lost in traffic crashes. However, there are simple actions we can take to prevent these tragedies and behavioural changes that can make the difference between life and death. I am encouraged by the excellent standard of work presented by these young people, who display understanding of the issues and commitment to making a difference in their communities. I have no doubt that the Western Cape team will make us proud at the national competition.
Gene Louw Traffic College Home Page
Rebecca Campbell
Spokesperson for Minister Ricardo Mackenzie
076 783 2583 or Rebecca.Campbell@westerncape.gov.za