Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works
Vehicle occupants (drivers and passengers) continue to constitute the majority of all road deaths in the Western Cape. Research has shown that increased seatbelt compliance will mean thousands of lives saved, that would have otherwise been lost, in the horrific crashes that plague our roads. In response, Safely Home has launched the “First Kiss” multimedia campaign during the month of March.
Research and statistics have shown that failure to use a seatbelt is a certain route to death or serious injury during collisions. When a motor vehicle crash occurs, the occupants who are not restrained continue to move forward at the same speed at which the vehicle was travelling before the collision. They are catapulted forward into the structure of the vehicle, into other occupants or hurled from the vehicle to almost certain death.
The campaign consists of a series of radio advertisements, billboards, cinema ad bumpers at all major cinemas, and is live online on Facebook and Twitter. The campaign is anchored by the “First Kiss” television commercial which launched on Friday, 18 March 2016, and was first aired on SABC 1 during the screening of an episode of Generations: The Legacy. The TVC will air on all three SABC channels as well as ETV, Kyknet, and CTV, and can be viewed on Safely Home's website.
The “First Kiss” commercial is adapted from the “Damage” advertisement produced by the Northern Ireland Department of the Environment. This advertisement was credited by the Irish Road Safety Authority as having brought about a 100% increase in backseat seatbelt wearing and 50% increase in front seat wearing rates in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
The “First Kiss” commericial has been localised to reflect Western Cape and South African circumstances, and the focus has been shifted from the crash to the people involved. The shoot took place over two days in studio and on location in Woodstock and the Bo-Kaap. Local companies provided all services. Real traffic officers, Forensic Pathology technicians, Emergency Medical Technicians and firemen took part in the making of the advertisement.
Special thanks to all the staff who gave up their Saturday night until 5am Sunday morning. For invaluable support to the project, special thanks to:
Credits: Creative agency: Y&R; Direction and Production: Egg Films; Post-Production and Editing: Ludus; Media: The Media Shop.
Not wearing a seatbelt is against the law. It is also extremely dangerous, not just for you, but for other people in the vehicle. Unbuckled passengers become wrecking balls in a collision, killing and severely injuring others, even passengers who have buckled up. We can all be a part of the change that will make our roads safer, and make the life-saving decision to Buckle Up whenever we are inside of a vehicle. We can make road safety Better Together.
Watch: "First Kiss" Advert
Siphesihle Dube
Spokesperson for the Minister of Transport and Public Works, Donald Grant
Tel: 021 483 8954
Cell: 084 233 3811
Email: siphesihle.dube@westerncape.gov.za