On Monday 12 April 2021, the Western Cape Minister for Social Development, Sharna Fernandez, met with SASSA regarding the nearly 53 000 Temporary Disability Grants (TDGs) and Care Dependency Grants that were suspended by the national agency, across the Western Cape, at the end of December 2020.
“I remain concerned that there are still many Temporary Disability Grant beneficiaries who have not been assessed and/or paid. As such, it remains critical that SASSA provides further details regarding whether or not beneficiaries who have not yet presented themselves or applied for reassessment after their Temporary Disability Grant lapsed will still be granted an opportunity to do so.
Due to the failure of SASSA to provide the actual number and rand value of payments made to the current number of Temporary Disability Grants beneficiaries who have already been assessed as per my initial request, I have once again requested for this information to be provided,” said Minister Sharna Fernandez.
SASSA highlighted the following progress has been made as of Wednesday, 31 March 2021:
• A total of 37 900 Temporary Disability Grants assessments have been completed.
• 12 820 Temporary Disability Grant beneficiaries have not presented themselves or applied for a reassessment of which, 200 beneficiaries are deceased.
• 1216 clients missed their medical assessment appointments.
• A further 3015 Temporary Disability Grants unaccounted beneficiaries on their database.
The National Department of Social Development made the following amendments to directions pertaining to the Temporary Disability Grants, which were published in the Government Gazette on 22 February 2021:
• Temporary Disability Grants which lapsed on 31 December 2020 and in January 2021 or are due to in February 2021 or 31 March 2021 for beneficiaries who are aged 59 and will turn 60 on or before 31 December 2021, must be paid until the beneficiary attains the age of 60 years.
• A Temporary Disability Grant paid with a grant-in-aid which lapsed at the end of December 2020, and a Temporary Disability Grant which is paid together with a grant-in-aid which lapsed in January 2021 or is due to lapse in February 2021 or in March 2021, must continue to be paid for a period of three months after SASSA has scheduled an appointment for reassessment or until 31 March 2022, whichever occurs first.
• A Temporary Disability Grant payable through procurators and administrators which lapsed at the end of December 2020, and a Temporary Disability Grant which is paid through a procurator and administrator which lapsed in January 2021 or is due to lapse in February 2021 or in March 2021, must continue to be paid for a period of three months after SASSA has scheduled an appointment for reassessment or until 31 March 2022, whichever occurs first.
“Temporary Disability Grants serves as a lifeline to thousands of vulnerable families needing this form of state support. In the spirit of collaboration, we have committed to meeting SASSA on Monday 26 April 2021, to address their current challenges,” concluded Minister Fernandez.
Joshua Covenant Chigome
Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 083 661 4949