On Friday, 2 August 2019, the 2019 May/June Senior Certificate and National Senior Certificate results will be released. Over 32 000 candidates registered for these examinations.
Candidates will be able to collect their results on Friday, 2 August 2019 and Monday, 5 August 2019 ONLY, at the various distribution points and centres around the Province.
It is important that candidates know where to collect their results.
For Senior Certificate candidates:
For National Senior Certificate candidates:
The various centres and distribution points will be open from 08h00 – 15h30. Candidates MUST present their ID in order to obtain their results.
We encourage as many candidates to collect their results on the 2nd and the 5th of August as this will be their only opportunity to collect their results. In addition, there will be officials at these distribution points that could assist candidates with the following;
Results can be accessed on 2 August at 8am via the following link https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/exams
Candidates must use their exam & ID number to access online results.
An Exams hotline has been set up to assist with any further queries: Tel: 021 467 2300
Please whatsapp me for a soundbite which is now available
Bronagh Hammond
Director: Communications
Western Cape Education Department
072 7241422 (please whatsapp or sms me if unavailable)