The Western Cape Provincial Treasury, Radio Tygerberg 104fm and Spar combined forces this year to donate 1500 bags filled with stationery and VitaKidz porridge to learners at the Dietrich Moravian Primary School in Philippi and as well as the Shiloh Synergy.
“Together with our partners VitaKidz, Spar and Radio Tygerberg we had the opportunity to spoil these kids today and to address educational needs and more importantly to alleviate hunger. This year the Mandela Day theme is aimed at fighting poverty and by providing VitaKids porridge to 1 500 learners we are working towards that goal. Mandela Day follow on youth month and an investment in our youth is an investment in our future” said Finance Minister, Dr Ivan Meyer.
“What is more beautiful than a smile on the face of a six year old? And then to still spoil that child with a bag filled with stationery and a nutritious breakfast, then you can’t help but fall in love with Mandela Day” says Benescke Janse van Rensburg, presenter at Radio Tygerberg 104fm and mother of two.
According to Ean Steenkamp-Cairns, head of communication at the Western Cape Treasury, they decided to work with Radio Tygerberg to donate 1500 of this special nutritious porridge. “We all know that a hungry child cannot focus properly. VitaKidz porridge is a clever nutritional breakfast that was developed to offer an affordable way to help learners to maintain energy levels and it contains natural and extra vitamins and comes in eight different flavours. It is important to us to be involved in projects that makes a measurable contribution. We believe that this is the start of one of these projects.”
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za