Dam level in the Western Cape have seen a major boost following good rainfall in the past seven days. The biggest dam in the province, Theewaterskloof, has seen its level increase from by 8.6% from last week, to reach 61.7%. The major dam on the West Coast – Clanwilliam Dam – has seen levels rise by 24.3% to 71.6% in the past week.
The Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell, says the latest average level for dams across the province is 56.6% (2018: 50.5%). The City of Cape Town’s dams have shot up to 72% full (2018: 56.4%).
“Four of the five major catchment areas now see dam levels in excess of 50% full. The ongoing problem area is the Gouritz River Catchment area which feeds a big part of the interior Karoo region. We remain concerned regarding the ongoing drought challenge particularly to the agriculture sector in this region.”
The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre has been alerted by the South African Weather Service that further adverse weather conditions are to be expected this week.
“We are expecting more rain, strong wind, rough seas and very cold weather. The Cape winter has truly arrived. We want to urge the public to continue to take care when traveling and when outdoors, exposed to the elements. The disaster management and emergency services units will be on hand in case of emergency. Please do call the number 112 or any other emergency number in the need of any assistance.”
Major Dam statistics
Voëlvlei dam – 74.4% full this week (2018: 58.8%. Last week: 69.1%)
Bergriver Dam 100% full this week (2018: 86%. Last week: 92.7%).
Theewaterskloof dam – 61.7% full this week (2018: 41.5%. Last week: 53.1%)
Clanwilliam Dam 71.6%. (2018: 98.4%. Last week: 47.3%)
The latest dam level data per the National Department of Water and Sanitation
Media enquiries:
James-Brent Styan
Spokesperson for the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell
Mobile: 084 583 1670
Telephone: 021 483 2820
E-mail: James-Brent.Styan@westerncape.gov.za