Media release by Ricardo Mackenzie, Western Cape Minister of Mobility
In the last week, two motorists were arrested for speeding and 188 speeding offences were recorded by Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services, who continue to make our province safer.
The Safely Home theme for August is speed, which is an ongoing issue on our roads. Speeding dramatically increases the chances of a crash, because the faster you drive, the less time you will have to react to emergencies. This past week alone, we recorded 24 crashes and 25 fatalities in our province.
Speeding also increases the severity of a crash, due to the significant ‘impact forces’ on people during the crash. If a vehicle travelling at only 60km/h crashes, for a person who weighs 55kg without a seatbelt, it will feel like being hit with a force of 19 500kg. If the person is wearing a seatbelt, the impact force will still be 3 800kg. At 90km/h, the impact force on the same 55kg person will be 43 800kg without a seatbelt, and over 8 700kg with a seatbelt. At 120km/h, the force on this person will be 77 800kg without a seatbelt, and 15 500kg with a seatbelt.
As we start a new month, I urge all motorists to commit to driving safely. Please reduce your speed, especially when roads are wet and visibility is poor, because it will take longer to stop.
Provincial Traffic Inspectors conducted 265 integrated roadblocks, vehicle check points and speed control operations; and stopped and checked 40 095 vehicles across the Western Cape. A total of 8 834 fines were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness. Twenty-one vehicles were impounded and 173 were discontinued for being unroadworthy.
A total of 188 speeding offences were recorded, with the following highest speeds:
A total of 46 arrests were made for the following offences:
A total of 24 crashes occurred in the reporting period, and 25 fatalities were recorded:
Rebecca Campbell
Spokesperson for Minister Ricardo Mackenzie
076 783 2583 or Rebecca.Campbell@westerncape.gov.za