‘Reading Empowers’ was the message that was spread throughout Strand during World Book Day on 23 April 2018 at Suider-Strand Library. The Western Cape Library Service (WCLS), in partnership with the National Library of South Africa (NSLA) and the City of Cape Town hosted an event which saw members of the community, both young and older, receiving donated books to encourage a culture of reading.
Anroux Marais, the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, along with NLSA executive Director Dr ME Maepa and the Western Cape Library Service Director, Cecilia Sani, walked through the area visiting schools, homes and a local crèche to deliver the donated books.
12-year-old published author, Amr Salie, gave motivational talks at all the schools that were visited about how reading changed his life.
Dr M.E Maepa from the NSLA spoke of the main purpose of the day, which is to instill a love for books and reading across all communities and that we, along with another 100 hundred countries across the world, celebrate World Book Day. “Today we encourage young people to read. Planting the seed, that we hope you will nurture it, so that it grows into a love for reading” he said.
Cecilia Sani, Director of the WCLS, said that is good to see that World Book Day continues to encourage young people to read for enjoyment. “Getting our children into the habit of reading every day is crucial. Learning to read from as early as possible has huge benefits for our children’s future” she said.
During the various stops along the route, Minister Anroux Marais spoke to all the students about the importance of reading and books. She also encouraged all learners to visit their local library.
WCLS mascot Bhuki was also there to say hello to everyone, and to encourage some of the younger children to read the books they received.
DCAS is committed to building knowledgeable and informed communities. Let us continue to celebrate books, reading and libraries BETTER TOGETHER.
Dr Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877 / 076 093 4913
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za