The Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) is confident that the recent appointment of two regional managers in the Directorate: Traffic Law Enforcement will make a significant contribution to improving road safety in the Western Cape. Control Provincial Inspectors Vigie Chetty and Nathan Arendse are joining Pat Curran, Deputy Director: Traffic Law Enforcement, to strengthen the management structure of Provincial Traffic Services.
The experience, energy and enthusiasm that Chetty and Arendse bring will help ensure the professional traffic service that the people of the province deserve. They will be responsible for managing the traffic chiefs at various traffic centres, weighbridge facilities, and impoundment facilities across the province, as well as implementing regional integrated traffic law enforcement plans with stakeholders.
Farrel Payne, Director: Traffic Law Enforcement says the two are eager to make a difference, they are a good fit, and they will help to bring stability and strategic direction. “They are joining at a time when the ongoing carnage of our roads has been devastating to the economy and those who are left behind. With their unique capabilities, I’m confident that, with the support and contributions of our traffic officers, they will succeed with their tasks. I wish them well and look forward to working with them,” he said.
Both Chetty and Arendse were trained at the Western Cape’s highly regarded Gene Louw Traffic College. Chetty has been instrumental in training young people at the college over the years, and has helped bring the college’s e-learning initiative to fruition. Meanwhile, the well-travelled Arendse has been in various traffic management positions at municipal traffic services in the province. He brings important knowledge and an ability to facilitate integrated partnerships.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za