Interventions by the Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swartland K-9 Units, in partnership with the Rural Safety Units (RSUs) in the Overstrand and Swartland areas, has once again worked hard to create safer communities. Between 23 to 29 October 2023, these units with various other municipal law enforcement agencies and the South African Police Service (SAPS), arrested nineteen (19) individuals for a number of crimes. Of these, fourteen (14) were apprehended in the Overstrand municipal area, two (2) in the Mossel Bay region and three (3) in the Swartland.
The Mossel Bay K-9 unit that will officially be launched later this month, saw two individuals arrested. The arrests from this unit occurred in Kwanonqaba and Grootbrak Rivier, and amongst others consisted of:
- x1 possession of drugs.
The Swartland unit had operations in Moorreesburg and Malmesbury, with arrests occurring in Darling. The arrests consisted of:
- x1 trading in liquor without a permit,
- x1 dealing in and possession of drugs and
- x1 trading in liquor outside operational hours.
The units also confiscated:
- large quantities of alcohol,
- x46 small zipper bags containing tik,
- x7 mandrax tablets,
- x15 half mandrax tablets and
- R 2970 in cash.
Amongst others the Overstand arrests included:
- x4 possession of drugs,
- x7 wanted suspects and
- x2 for murder.
This unit confiscated:
- x3 half mandrax tablets,
- x12 bankies tik and
- x2 set of stolen wall mount lights.
Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen said: “My gratitude goes to our K9 and Rural Safety Units, who on a regular and consistent basis continue to demonstrate their commitment to creating safer communities in their respective areas. As the Western Cape Government, we established and invested in these units, so that they disrupt the criminal activities across our province. Our collective aim is to ensure that our residents can live free of fear and in dignity.”
“I urge our citizens to continue working with these units, as this ensures safety in their own communities and by extension throughout the entire Western Cape,” concluded Minister Reagen Allen.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
021 483 0103 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)