The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works honoured staff members at the annual Cape Metropole Long Service Awards ceremony in Cape Town on 12 March 2015. This was the third regional awards event hosted across the Western Cape this year. On the day, 63 proud winners received due recognition for completing 10, 20, 30 and 40 years’ service in the public sector.
Minister of Transport and Public Works, Donald Grant, said the Department is proud of the recipients.
“They can be incredibly proud of their achievements, and have contributed to the successes of the Department over the years. Many of them have shown that they are never too old to learn or to find different ways to be creative and innovative. I hope they enjoy working here and that they still look forward to the challenges and opportunities presented to them on a daily basis,” said Minister Grant.
Head of the Department of Transport and Public Works, Ms Jacqueline Gooch, was also among the recipients.
“It is an honour to celebrate 10 years with the Department. It amazes me how quickly the years went by, but I am a very proud public servant today,” she said.
Ms Gooch stressed the importance of the event by adding, “it was only fitting to acknowledge those dedicated recipients for their respect, efforts and commitment over the years.”
Building Inspector Mr Amien November said a decade of service to the Department has brought him joy. He added that through maintenance and repairs in schools, he and his colleagues are able to make a direct difference in the lives of learners.
“For all these years, I’ve done it for the learners,” he said.
Mr November looks forward to many more years at the Department.
It is clear that all these recipients are assets to the Department. The final regional Long Service Awards ceremony will be taking place in Oudtshoorn on 20 March 2015.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
E-mail: Byron.laHoe@westerncape.gov.za
You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW