Looking after the safety of people who will be using long-distance public transport during the festive season is a high priority for the Department of Transport and Public Works.
Our Road Safety Management component will run its public transport compliance and fatigue management sticker project during December at the N1 Joostenberg Vlakte weighbridge, and at Sonstraal near the Huguenot Tunnel. Buses and minibuses that have been tested and are in good order will receive a sticker that verifies the vehicle’s fitness at the time the inspection was conducted. This facilitates the work of traffic officers doing routine vehicle checks en route.
We call on drivers and operators of public transport vehicles to ask for a free safety check at Joe Gqabi Transport Interchange in Philippi. Pay careful attention to lights, indicators and tyres. No part of any tyres may be smooth, including the spare tyre. Brakes and shock absorbers must be in good condition and replaced in good time. Seatbelts must be in good working condition, and vehicles transporting children must have age-appropriate child seats and restraints. Drivers must never be allowed to drive tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs having a narcotic effect. Number plates must be clearly visible at all times.
We encourage passengers to be alert to road safety risks.
We call on drivers to always obey the rules of the road. Only overtake when it is safe to do so. Plan your routes in advance to include stops at safe places along the way. On long journeys, take a 10-minute break outside the vehicle every two hours. It is not worth risking your life or the lives of others, for any reason.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: Byron.laHoe@westerncape.gov.za
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