This week’s nominated coronavirus hero amongst us at Tygerberg Hospital is Ilde Kellerman. Kellerman provides an essential service to the public during these challenging times. The hero-amongst-us campaign seeks to highlight an official’s achievements, abilities or personal qualities during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the eyes of hospital staff, he or she can also be regarded as a role model or ideal.
As a dietitian in a tertiary hospital, Kellerman has worked in the Human Nutrition Department for 11 years. Nutrition is very important for optimal recovery both during and after hospitalisation. This is especially true for the critically ill ICU patient where patients are bedridden and ventilated. Within the ‘new normal’ of COVID-19-related challenges, nutrition becomes even more important as a part of the healing process. And this links with her passion for nutrition promotion.
‘Imagine trying to eat when you are severely short of breath, extremely scared of the unknown, not being able to see your family and friends whilst struggling to swallow. When everything tastes like nothing, one can imagine why COVID-19 patients don`t eat well,’ said Kellerman, who resides in Bellville.
Solving these problems without direct patient contact, however, is tough. Yet, in A5 ICU they succeeded in adapting to these challenges with the help of every single member of the team. Kellerman added: ‘A5 ICU is more than a team. We are a family. And this “family bond” and teamwork continues to see us through. A big thank you to each and everyone involved with the food delivery process – whether oral intake, supplements or where tube feeds are recommended.’
Kellerman concluded: ‘By valuing each team member and their various disciplines, we are each able to focus on doing our own bit every day with gratitude. No matter the “new normal” and the challenges it brings. May God bless everyone on the frontlines who are fighting the good fight! Psalm 91:5–6.’
Laticia Pienaar
Principal Communications Officer
Tygerberg Hospital
Tel: 021 938 5454
Cell: 081 039 4050
E-mail: Laticia.Pienaar@westerncape.gov.za