The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works is making progress with the patching and resurfacing of trunk road 77 (TR 77) section 1 on the R27 from Milnerton to Melkbosstrand. The R71 million project is scheduled for completion in early 2016.
The R27 carries well in excess of 50 000 vehicles per day. It forms a vitally important link between the greater Blaauwberg/ Table View area and the Cape Town CBD. The patching and surfacing of this section would greatly improve travelling quality and extend the life of pavement structures to carry the expected future traffic.
Texture improvement work between the intersections of Tryall and Melkbosstrand roads have been completed. Edge break repairs and the supplementing of gravel shoulders will continue under localised shoulder closures.
The resurfacing of the northbound carriageway have been completed on both lanes between Racecourse Road and Bay Beach Avenue intersections. Resurfacing works will continue on the northbound carriageway between the intersections of Bay Beach and Marine Drive during this weekend and the following week. Culverts are being cleaned and broken kerbs, channels and chutes are being replaced on both north- and southbound carriageways between Porterfield/ Link Road and Racecourse Road intersections.
The heavy rains experienced during the winter month, decreased visibility due to mist and down-pours as well as cold ambient temperatures can influence the planned construction activities.
The implementation of Eskom loadshedding may influence the batching of asphalt at the supplier’s plant. Care is being taken to mitigate the impact by making use of generators, where possible.
Localised shoulder closures will be utilised between Tryall Road and Melkbosstrand Road intersections. Lanes will be merged on the northbound carriageway between Bay Beach Avenue and Blaauwberg Road intersections. Both lanes will be opened to traffic during the afternoon peak-hour.
Motorists are requested, for the sake of their own safety as well as for that of construction workers, to obey all traffic restrictions, including speed limits, and to drive carefully. Road conditions change daily as work progresses and motorists should be vigilant when driving along sections under construction.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
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