A plan is in place to make up for lost time on a 36-month Department of Transport and Public Works contract to rehabilitate and upgrade various sections of the R60 and R62 between Ashton and Montagu through Cogmanskloof. Work on the R583 million contract is expected to be completed on schedule in the third quarter of 2018.
A number of unexpected factors have slowed down construction in Montagu. One of the major unforeseen tasks was that the asbestos cement water pump line in Long Street between Market Street and the Van Der Merwe Bridge had to be replaced. The existing pipe was too shallow and brittle for the construction of the road to continue.
The high water table in the western part of Long Street hindered construction and remedial action had to be taken. Although subsoil drains were installed and open drainage channels dug to drain saturated ground, the soil was still too wet for the lower road layers to be built. Additional subsoil drains have now been installed to drain excess water.
Larger stormwater pipes had to be installed, which required deeper and wider excavations. Deeper excavations needed additional support to prevent the sides from caving in. Wider excavations meant that there was less space in the half-width under construction to store material. Less storage space meant that pipe sections, stone and sand had to be stored in a separate stockpile, requiring machines to make many time-consuming trips to fetch materials.
The construction team understands the frustration and inconvenience that the road construction has had on the residents of Montagu. We remain committed to minimising disruption to businesses and private residents. The construction team will visit every property to speak to affected parties before construction commences in a section.
Follow the Department on Twitter @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #roadworksWC.
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