Various operations by Swartland, Overstrand and Mossel Bay K-9 and Rural Safety Units in one week
The Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swartland K-9 Units, in partnership with the Rural Safety Units (RSUs) in the Overstrand and Swartland areas, once again made their presence felt, when they conducted various crime fighting operations in their respective areas. Between 6 November and 12 November 2023, these units with various other municipal law enforcement agencies and the South African Police Service (SAPS), arrested eighteen (18) individuals for a number of crimes. Of these, sixteen (16) were apprehended in the Overstrand municipal area, and two (2) in the Swartland.
The Mossel Bay K-9 unit, which will officially be activated in less than a week, continues to sharpen their teeth to bite into criminals. This unit conducted operations in Grootbrak Rivier, JCC Camp and participated in a number of roadblocks.
The Swartland units had operations in Malmesbury and Darling. Arrests which occurred in Malmesbury, consisted of:
- x2 for dealing in liquor.
The units also confiscated:
- large quantities of alcohol.
Amongst others the Overstand arrests included:
- x2 possession of drugs;
- x1 for assault and
- x6 wanted suspects.
This unit confiscated:
- x4204 units of abalone;
- x1 mandrax tablet and
- x2 bankies tik.
Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen said, “we applaud the efforts of our K9 and Rural Safety Units, as they continue to make the lives of criminals uncomfortable in their respective areas. As the Western Cape Government, we will continue supporting these units, as our aim is to create greater safety throughout the entire province.”
“I’d like to remind our residents that we have their best interest at heart. It is therefore critical that the current collaboration between community members and these and other law enforcement agencies remain, and are strengthened, so that any and all criminal activities are attended too. We want our residents to live free of fear and in a dignified manner,” concluded Minister Reagen Allen.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
021 483 0103 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)