The average water level for dams in the Western Cape currently stands at 60.89% (2017: 34.5%). Dams supplying the City of Cape Town have decreased to 70.8% (2017: 35.7%). Major dams in the province are declining by roughly 1% per week, with the Theewaterskloof dam 55% full this week (2017: 23.2%).
Anton Bredell, the minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape says it remains critical to conserve water over the coming months.
“The City of Cape Town has coined a phrase stating the best time to save water is when there is water to be saved. I ascribe to this statement and urge the public, businesses and government to make water conservation a permanent practice.”
Bredell says water resources around the globe remains under increased pressure due to the growing challenges of climate change, population growth and urbanisation.
“As is the case with all resources, water must be managed as optimally as possible into the future. This will require an ongoing concerted effort by all parties across the government and private sector.”
Major Dam statistics
Theewaterskloof dam – 55% full this week (2017: 23%. Last week: 56%)
Voëlvlei dam – 91.5% full this week (2017: 27.3%. Last week: 92.6%)
Bergriver Dam 96.1% full this week (2017: 65%. Last week: 97.4%).
Clanwilliam Dam 88%. (2017: 34%. Last week: 91%)
James-Brent Styan
Spokesperson for the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell
Mobile: 084 583 1670
Telephone: 021 483 2820