I welcome the publication of Transnet’s Request For Information (RFI) for the private sector to participate in renewable energy projects at eight commercial ports, including the Port of Cape Town and the Port of Saldanha.
This RFI is a welcomed step in the right direction towards more private sector participation in ports, while also strengthening our province’s energy resilience.
Historically, insufficient infrastructure investment, specifically at the Port of Cape Town, and poor maintenance has caused significant inefficiencies, compromising economic growth and job creation.
Which is why we have called for improved capital expenditure rates, with spending “front loaded” over the next three years, and greater private sector participation, in line with Operation Vulindlela.
It is therefore good news to see this approach being adopted by Transnet, which we hope is the first of many more such interventions that will include the private sector as partners.
Georgina Maree
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 076 423 7541