On Tuesday, I visited the Felbridge Cannabis Farm outside Stellenbosch.
My visit highlighted that the Cannabis sector has enormous potential in developing SMMEs, attracting domestic and foreign investment, and adding value in the processing and manufacturing of various products for local and export markets.
The South African cannabis industry is estimated at R 28 billion and can create between 10 000 to 25 000 jobs across the entire value chain.
The Western Cape Province is positioning itself to become a value chain hub of cannabis production.
A value chain approach in developing the cannabis industry has the potential for income generation, job creation and skills development.
It will also lead to diversification of the economy and thus increase economic growth and alleviate poverty.
That is why we look forward to engaging with the DALRRD’s Cannabis Master Plan. By doing so, the Western Cape can contribute to strengthening critical aspects of the Plan, such as developing sustainable seed supply systems and supporting those who want to enter the industry.
The cannabis industry is global, and the Western Cape wants to create jobs in this growing industry. In addition, as an untapped industry, it offers massive potential for economic recovery in the Western Cape.
Daniel Johnson
Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer
Tel: 079 990 4231