Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, M. Nicolas Hulot, and the Western Cape Government’s MEC for Finance, Dr Ivan Meyer, announced today the funding of the first solar powered desalination unit in South Africa, totalling R8.6 million in grants. The highly cost-effective solar powered desalination plant will be commissioned by the end of October 2018 at Witsand in the Hessequa Municipality, Western Cape.
In the Hessequa Municipal are which is 250km east of Cape Town, several coastal villages suffer from a structural water deficit, even outside of drought periods. Part of Witsand village, suffering from critic al water shortages, was designated for the implementation of this solar powered desalination unit.
Speaking at the launch, Minister Hulot commented that South Africa and France have a lot to do together.
“When we do things together it gets done much faster and diversity is the future. Climate change requires us all to work together and while innovation was important, of more importance is our ability to make peace with nature. We need to combine human intelligence with natures intelligence.” Said the Minister.
Commenting on the partnership MEC Meyer said that not only does it come at an opportune time, but it also reflects the Western Cape Government’s commitment to the green economy.
The grant of the French Treasury is aimed at implementing innovative green technologies. The OSMOSUN® technology, developed French company Mascara Renewable Water and brought to South Africa by their local partner TWS-Turnkey Water Solutions, is the world’s first reverse osmosis desalination technology coupled with photovoltaic solar energy without batteries, designed to supply coastal or borehole-dependent communities, with drinking water at a competitive price and without CO2 emissions.
This technology will deliver 100kl of fresh water daily through an innovative, affordable and green process.
‘Sustainable growth advocates the sustainable use of our provincial spatial assets, protecting our biodiversity and ecosystems, safeguarding our coastal and inland water and managing our use of water ‘said Meyer.
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za