Acknowledged annually during the month of June, National Blood Donor Month reiterates the significance of donating blood. This year’s global theme for World Blood Donor Day, celebrated annually on the 14th June, focused on celebrating and thanking regular blood donors, Titled, ‘thank you for saving my life’, the theme reiterates the lifesaving and invaluable difference blood donors make to those in need.
Focused on recruiting more voluntary and regular blood donors, the Western Province Blood Transfusion Service will be hosting blood group (BG), iron (HB) screenings and donor registrations stations at retail outlets throughout the Western Cape.
Would you like to make a difference and donate blood? Click here to find out where the next Blood Buzz will take place.
Research has shown that about 75% of the Western Cape population may need a blood transfusion in their lifetime. However, only approximately 1.5% of the Western Cape population are blood donors. This echoes the current and growing demand for blood and blood products.
Many individuals do not realise that one unit (475 ml) of blood donated, can be separated into its constituent parts (red blood cells, plasma and platelets) and used to enhance the lives of up to three recipients.
Donated blood is mainly used in medical emergencies such as women haemorrhaging, due to pregnancy complication and other gynaecological complications. Premature babies and children with severe anaemia. Donated blood is also needed for accident trauma patients, surgical and cancer patients.
The winter months can be a particularly difficult time for blood stocks, active and new blood donors are encouraged come and donate blood at your nearest blood donor clinic - click here to find out which clinic is nearest to you.
Concerned that you can’t be a donor? If you are between the ages of 16 and 65, weigh more than 50kg, you are healthy on the day of donation and lead a safe sexual lifestyle you should be able to donate blood.
The Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS) uses sterile, disposable equipment, so there’s no risk of infection. The entire process takes just 20 minutes; after which you can resume your daily activities.
Visit www.wpblood.org.za, call 021 507 6300, SMS ‘Blood’ to 33507 or download the WP Blood app to find out where to donate and how to become a donor.
Simone Carelse
Communications Officer: Overberg District
Western Cape Government Health
Landline: 028 214 5800
Mobile: 083 421 0976
Email: Simone.Carelse@westerncape.gov.za