On Wednesday (1 February 2017), Economic Opportunities Minister Alan Winde will visit the Lansdowne Bottling Company as part of the Western Cape Government’s energy efficiency awareness campaign.
The campaign’s message is “Solar. The best way to save under the Sun.” It focuses on raising awareness about the benefits of installing solar water heaters and solar PV panels, as a cost saving measure and in line with creating a greener world.
This awareness campaign falls under the provincial government’s Energy Security Game Changer, which aims to ensure long-term energy security through the availability of reliable, diverse and low carbon energy. This is a joint game changer with the City of Cape Town and a number of other local municipalities in the province, ultimately aimed at ensuring economic growth.
There are many companies in the Western Cape that have embraced our greener future. The Lansdowne Bottling Company is one of those businesses. It is a family-run business, known for products such as the popular soft drink, Double O. The company provides a great example of how to cut electricity usage and generate own solar energy.
Minister Winde will be visiting the company to see first-hand the benefits and, in particular, the savings that it has generated since installing these systems. He will also share more information on the Solar Water Heater and Solar PV campaign.
DATE: Wednesday, 1 February 2017
TIME: 10am
VENUE: Lansdowne Bottling Company, Corners of Vibra and Govan Mbeki roads, Philippi
Bronwynne Jooste
Spokesperson: Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities
Responsible for Tourism, Economic Development and Agriculture
Western Cape Government
Physical Address: 142 Long Street, Cape Town
Tel: 021 483 3550
Cell: 060 970 4301
Email: bronwynne.jooste@westerncape.gov.za
Website: www.westerncape.gov.za
Twitter: bronwynnejooste