On 21 to 22 September 2017 the Library Service of the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) hosted the Municipal Support Services Seminar in Cape Town for library and finance related experts and authorities.
This annual seminar saw representatives from 25 municipalities associating with key role players from the national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), Treasury, the Provincial Broad Band Initiative and other stakeholders. The networking touched on matters related to grant funding and discussed the relevant aspects of enhanced library services.
Chief Director for Cultural Affairs and Sport, Guy Redman, officially welcomed the representatives and highlighted the importance of libraries as vital, crucial and accessible places that connect people and communities. “Libraries are to become places that shape the minds of youth and ideologies of communities to determine the direction of their lives; moving towards self-sufficiency”, he said.
Director for Library Service, Cecilia Sani, highlighted achievements, challenges and strategies about delivering services across the province to 370 service points and extending the rural provision of Internet access to 223 libraries. She boasted about the 26 383 new registered library users who were welcomed after the first quarter of this year. The official membership now stands at 825 084. “And although we might have challenges with human and financial resources, we will continue to strive to provide the best possible library service to the public,” she proudly stated.
Deputy Director for Municipal Support Services, Pieter Hugo, explained that DCAS receives conditional grants from the national government and that it is the responsibility of Library Service to manage and transfer these grants to the various municipalities in the Western Cape.
Chief Director for DAC National Archives and Libraries, Nomaza Dingayo, who is no stranger to the Western Cape Library Service, shared her valuable views on the current status and the way forward with regard to conditional grants.
Both Redman and Sani showed their gratitude towards librarians and support staff across the province for making the Western Cape Library Service the best provincial library service in South Africa.
DCAS is committed to creating and building informed and knowledgeable communities through books, reading and Internet access BETTER TOGETHER.
Dr Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877 / 076 093 4913
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za