Today the Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, tabled the Department’s budget of R1.018 billion in the provincial parliament.
Minister Meyer said, “Despite compounding challenges such as intensified delays and inefficiencies at the ports, increased geopolitical uncertainty, and load-shedding, the agriculture and agri-processing exports increased from R63 billion in 2018 to R104 billion in 2023 which is an annual average growth of 11%.”
Minister Meyer announced the following key budgetary allocations:
The Minister also announced that the refurbished SANAS-accredited Provincial Veterinary Laboratory will re-open for business on 1 April 2024. This laboratory is an important role player in enhancing the bio-security of the agricultural sector in the Western Cape.
“This budget will support the Western Cape Government’s growth strategy which sets an ambitious target of building a trillion-rand jobs-rich, inclusive, sustainable, diverse, and resilient provincial economy, that is growing at between 4 and 6 per cent per year in real terms by 2035. Agri producers, workers and businesses have demonstrated season after season that agriculture is worth investing in. We are determined to use this budget to invest further in the growth and development of the industry,” concluded Minister Meyer.
Daniel Johnson
Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer
Email: Daniel.Johnson@westerncape.gov.za
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