Western Cape Premier Alan Winde and Minister for Community Safety, Albert Fritz met with the new provincial police commissioner Yolisa Matakata today, handing over a copy of the Western Cape Safety Plan and committing to building a supportive and collaborative relationship between the Western Cape Government and the SAPS in the province.
Premier Winde said: “We welcome Lieutenant General Matakata to the post and look forward to working together to make a difference for the citizens of this province.”
“During the meeting, she outlined some of her key focus areas including the need for leadership, cohesion, ethics and accountability, a focus on the professionalism of the police, and capacitating the police service to improve delivery. These are issues that have plagued the police in the Western Cape and we are pleased that Lieutenant General Matakata has committed to giving them her attention.”
“Crime in the Western Cape is a complex issue which needs all levels of government, civil society and members of the public to work together. I am pleased that SAPS, and the Western Cape Government have committed to partnering and collaborating to ensure citizens of this province are safe. We look forward to signing the protocol agreement with the National Police Minister, Bheki Cele that will lay the framework for how we co-operate on the implementation of the Western Cape Safety Plan.”
MEC Fritz said: “Lieutenant-General Matakata has a wealth of experience in crime intelligence, having served in the Hawks for 15 years. It is my hope that our offices will work together in good-faith and in a coordinated way to improve the safety of residents in the province.”
“Going forward, I will work with Lieutenant General Matakata, to firstly implement the Western Cape Safety Plan, in line with the National Commissioner’s vision of creating ‘Safer Cities’. Secondly, it is necessary to turn around the service delivery of SAPS at the station level. Finally, there is an urgent need to improve community policing. To do so, we need to ensure the urgent conclusion of the CPF electoral AGMS,” Minister Fritz said.
Premier Winde also thanked National Police Commissioner Khehla Sithole for his work throughout the appointment process. He also thanked acting provincial commissioner, Sindile Mfazi for stepping in to lead the province in the absence of a permanent commissioner.
Attention broadcasters: please find English audio clip attached.
Bianca Capazorio
Spokesperson for Premier Alan Winde
Tel: 021 483 5004
Cell: 072 372 7044
Email: Bianca.capazorio@westerncape.gov.za
Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za