On Tuesday, 9 August 2016, the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), presented a Women’s Day programme in collaboration with the Worcester Museum and the ROCSA Women’s group, a community project in the Worcester community. The day’s events were attended by people from throughout the area, including youths, adults and senior citizens.
Museum employee Faiza van Schalkwyk began the programme by delivering a short talk about herbs and how useful they are. She then demonstrated how to use various herbs in ointments and displayed an exhibition in the foyer that included posters to further explain the versatility of these plants.
The knowledge of the senior citizens was tapped into during the discussions that ensued, especially those regarding the use of herbs as treatment for illnesses in the years before pills and medical doctors. To this day there are herbalists who can prescribe a herb as a remedy for many ailments and it was the opinion of many of the senior citizens who attended the programme that if people were more knowledgeable about the medicinal value of herbs it could be a great help should they not have a medical aid or be unable to afford medicine at a hospital or pharmacy.
The aim of the informative session was to spread the word and to empower people by showing them which herb to apply for which disease. To facilitate the process, books about herbs and their uses – including how ointment can be made from herbs – were made available to the women in attendance.
Other highlights of the day were the three-course meal provided by the Cape Winelands District Municipality, a train ride and the gifts which were handed out to for the most valuable contributions to the discussions. It was a very insightful day enjoyed by all.
Let us continue to use programmes such as these to educate one another and to give the youth knowledge about their heritage in order for it to be preserved and conveyed to future generations, BETTER TOGETHER.
Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za