As we celebrate World Book Day today, we are excited to announce the winners of our 2023 school library competition!
The competition was held at the end of last year to celebrate International School Library Month, in partnership with our Education and Library Information Services (EDULIS). The theme for the competition was “#BackOnTrack with School Libraries”, and learners had the opportunity to win R30 000 for their school to spend on school library resources.
For the 2023 competition, there were a number of categories, including a poetry competition for Grades 4 to 7 and 8 to 12, and a poster/drawing competition for Grades 1 to 3 and special needs schools.
Learners were asked to consider specific questions when preparing their entries:
We received 190 entries, and are pleased to announce that the following learners have each won their schools R30 000 to spend on library resources:
(Note: listed grades are for 2023)
Schools for Learners with Special Education Needs posters:
Mitchell’s Plain, Metro South Education District
Grade 1 – 3 posters:
Silvertown, Athlone, Metro Central Education District
Near Porterville, West Coast Education District
Mfuleni, Metro North Education District
Grade 4 – 7 poems:
Lentegeur, Metro South Education District
Franschhoek, Cape Winelands Education District
Franschhoek, Cape Winelands Education District
Grade 8 – 12 poems:
Khayelitsha, Metro East Education District
Beaufort West, Eden and Central Karoo Education District
Delft, Metro North Education District
We thank all of the learners who took the time to participate in the competition, and the teachers who encouraged their learners to participate and ensured that the entries reached us.
We look forward to seeing how these schools use the additional funds to support their school libraries and improve the reading skills of children in the Western Cape!
Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier
Western Cape Ministry of Education