2004 marks the campaign's seventeenth year of existence. This year's slogan is "Tobacco and poverty - a vicious circle". World "No" Tobacco day 2004 will bring out the poverty-causing, poverty-sustaining and exploitative labor practices.
South Africa's theme for 2004 is "Tobacco Control and Families". This year's campaign attempts to show how tobacco and poverty are inextricably linked. Smoking prevalence is higher among the poor and contributes to the continuing poverty of low-income households and countries, because money is spent on tobacco instead of food, education and health care. This year, the National Department of Health calls on all government departments, communities, organizations, schools, health centers and civil society to spread the message. For a successful World "No" Tobacco Day, as many people as possible need to be involved. Here is how you can help:
To celebrate this day, this department will be hosting a National event at Salt River Community Hall in Cape Town. The Minister of Health will address women from a nearby factory. Statistics in South Africa show that coloured people have the highest rate of smokers in South Africa. At the National event various interesting activities are planned such as the testimony from a previous smoker on the effects of smoking, all the women will beat drums as a symbol that they will beat all the negative effects of smoking through quitting and motivating others to do the same?just to name a few.
As a build-up to the World "No" Tobacco Day the National Department of Health will forward press releases on different tobacco issues in South Africa.
Quit Line: 011 720 3145
Harry MchunuZanele Mthembu
082 574 3777
012 312 0165