During the past week the cooperative relations between Burgundy and the Western Cape have been strengthened when a top-level delegation from the Western Cape led by Mr Cobus Dowry, Minister of Agriculture, visited Burgundy. This regional co-operation takes place against the background of the strong bilateral relations between France and South Africa. The Western Cape can only benefit from cooperation with this region especially in the area of training, transfer of skills, quality standards in agriculture, quality food products and adding value to basic agricultural products. Apart from this there is also ample opportunity for trade and tourism.
The Western Cape delegation received a warm and friendly reception in Burgundy, a region known for its wines, cheeses and hospitality. Burgundy is the most important wine region in France and one of the most important in the world, especially with reference to quality wines. This region is also considered to be the gastronomical centre of France.
Is was agreed during discussions with various institutions in Burgundy that in terms of the current co-operation agreement between Burgundy and the Western Cape:
The people from the Western Cape will be able to gain from the experience and expertise of the people in Burgundy in the areas of wine production, cheese production and tourism.
The visit was concluded with a meeting between Minister Dowry and Vice President Marie-Francoise Muller, who is responsible for international affairs. Minister Dowry extended an official invitation to Mrs Muller to visit the Western Cape in 2005 and she gladly accepted. She stressed the importance of this bilateral cooperation said and that President Francois Patriat, President of the Conseil Regional of Burgundy, has created this post of Vice president for International Affairs because she wants to open Burgundy to the world and strengthen the regional cooperation. Vice President Muller expressed her satisfaction with the outcomes of the visit and said that she would like to foster cultural exchanges and cooperation in scientific field.
Alie van Jaarsveld
084 604 6701
(021) 483-4700