The Western Cape Minister of Social Development, Adv. Albert Fritz, on Friday launched the province’s sixth Youth Café.
The Youth Cafes location at the Safe Hub next to Nyanga Junction is significant, as it brings together young people from the communities of Gugulethu and Manenberg, historically separated under Apartheid.
Over R800 000 from our Department’s Youth Programme will go to this Youth Café in the 2016/17 financial year. Funding includes the opportunity for 10 EPWP interns, who’ll work at the Youth Café.
The Safe Hub at Nyanga Junction is operated by our NGO partner, Amandla EduFootball. Our Youth Café links up with world-class sports facilities within the complex.
Minister Fritz said: “We are building on the vision of the Youth Lifestyle Campus, launched by Premier Helen Zille. At this Safe Hub, we are creating an enabling and safe environment for youth. We have top class sports facilities, a Youth Café with high-speed internet, and a thriving Friday night football league sponsored by the Community Safety department.”
When young people get involved in activities at the Youth Cafe, they earn “Zlato”, a virtual currency used to access the internet, coffee stations, training courses, seminars, etc. The Department is looking at ways to expand Zlato to pay for public transport.
It is encouraging to note the positive involvement of young people at all our Youth Cafés - 65% of staff were once students using our facilities.
The Social Development Department will continue to create to work with our partners in the private sector and NGOs to create a space for young people to access opportunity and develop their talents. However young people need to play their part too, by going to our Youth Cafés to empower themselves. Youth development can be achieved, “Better Together”.
Sihle Ngobese
Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, Minister of Social Development
Western Cape Government
7th floor, 14 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel : (021) 483 9217
Cell : 076 083 6543
Email : Sihle.Ngobese@westerncape.gov.za