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Small businesses are the engine room of the Western Cape's economy and starting one can be both exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Entrepreneurship is vital to the continued growth of the provincial and national economies, and our incentive schemes provide the necessary support to businesses just starting out. The following services from both provincial and national departments are available to young entrepreneurs, to support the venture and get businesses off the ground. Provincial 1) Department of Economic Development and Tourism The Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism offers a variety of programmes to develop and grow the small business sector. Find out what support and services are available from the Department. 2) Junior Achievement SA (JASA) JASA runs programmes that encourage youth entrepreneurship. Amongst others, there are: the 3) Cape Agency for Sustainable Integrated Development in Rural Areas (Casidra) Casidra focuses on improving the social and economic wellbeing of citizens who live in rural areas. Community development projects are aimed at reducing poverty, and to facilitate economic empowerment and sustainability. Ultimately helping to establish self-sufficient communities. Our Red Tape Reduction Unit helps businesses cut through red tape challenges they may encounter in order to make it easier to do business. The creation of an enabling business environment is fundamental for the creation of jobs and sustainable economic development. The Red Tape Reduction Unit is, therefore, committed to contributing towards this enabling environment by addressing red tape through the Business Support Helpline Service. If your business is facing any red tape challenges, please contact the Western Cape Government’s Business Support Helpline Service by: · Logging your query using this contact form or sending an email to
1) National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) The NYDA helps create opportunities for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship by developing, funding and supporting effective programmes, that help finance new businesses or develop an existing one. For help, contact a NYDA branch by searching the NYDA Branch Locator. 2) Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) SEDA’s mission is to develop, support and promote small enterprises throughout the country, ensuring their growth and sustainability in coordination and partnership with various role players, including global partners, who make international best practices available to local entrepreneurs. Find out more. 3) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) The DTI itself administers several incentive schemes and cash grants to help entrepreneurs start and grow their own business, including:
4) Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) The IDC offers a range of financial products for small businesses, including:
Detailed information on each of these products, application forms, procedures and guidelines are available on the IDC website. 5) Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) The mandate of SEFA is to foster the establishment, survival and growth of SMMEs and contribute towards poverty alleviation and job creation. SEFA has a regional footprint of 9 offices around the country. For more information please visit the SEFA website . |
Government Body: | (Western Cape Government) |